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(+234) 909 246 9137

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BP monitoring With Artificial Intelligence

Preset A.I algorithms determine notification of physicians when
abnormal blood pressure and glucose values are measured.

Your monthly BP drugs Delivered to you

Monthly supply of drugs for hypertension, diabetes and others monitored
and replenished without effort.

Hypertension Clinic From Your Home

Choose a board certified cardiologist, to bring heart care to your home.

Your Vital Signs Remotely Monitored

Your physician reviews your readings remotely and promptly
intervenes to prevent complications

New BP Devices with Cloud Connection

Devices use bluetooth WI-FI to communicate measurements
to remote physician for prompt response.

View 10 vital measurements on your mobile app

Devices use bluetooth WI-FI to communicate measurements
to remote physician for prompt response.

Why Choose Us?

Special features

For Patients

⦁ Automated cloud storage of readings
⦁ Secure and encrypted patients’ data
⦁ Remote Patient Monitoring(RMP)
⦁ Easily share measurements with others
⦁ Enable family/friend supervision
⦁ Drug compliance reminder
⦁ Parameter Check Reminder (PCR)
⦁ Drug Refill Prompter (DRP)
⦁ Personal chat with physician
⦁ Invite others (physicians, pharmacy, friend)
⦁ Upgrade your monitoring device for automated upload
⦁ Health data private and secure

For Physicians/Hospitals

⦁ Monitor your patients remotely
⦁ Secure and encrypted patients’ data
⦁ Free data analytics of BP and other readings
⦁ Build your network, invite others (patients and preferred pharmacies)
⦁ Receive notifications for abnormal readings
⦁ Automatic profile of patients with poor controls
⦁ Notifications on patients with poor drug compliance and parameter checks
⦁ Own a free virtual pharmacy store and sell drugs and devices to your patients
⦁ Send message to your pharmacy network on drugs you are searching for

For Health Managers

⦁ Attract more enrollees
⦁ Ensure optimal care for enrollees
⦁ Monitor those on routine medications to ensure compliance
⦁ Receive notifications for non-monitoring
⦁ Be pre-informed of non-compliant and poorly managed enrollees for time intervention
⦁ Prevent costly complications of poor controls
⦁ More efficiently retain private and corporate clients
⦁ Optimize opportunities for business scale

For Pharmacies

⦁ Manage your stock
⦁ Sell drugs and devices without boundaries
⦁ Invite your network of physicians
⦁ Onboard your patients
⦁ Onboard your patients
⦁ Onboard your patients
⦁ Notify your physicians and patients when you have new drugs of their interest
⦁ Close clearance sales for expiring drugs
⦁ Receive electronic prompts for your patients needing drug refill


MyVitalz TM

We believe that its very light version & Simple, Creative & Flexible Design. We believe healthcare in the 21st century should be technology driven and more preventative than curative. MyVitalz is a telemonitoring cloud platform built for patients, healthcare providers and health mangers to monitor and manage vital signs remotely and in person for both the healthy and the sick. When parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, blood glucose, Oxygen saturation, stress level are monitored real time with devices that automatically and instantly update the cloud for remote physicians to review… 

Our Clients

Who Needs MyVitalz Monitoring?

Both Sick And Healthy Individuals Can Use MyVitalz With Associated Devices For Preventative, Therapeutic And Managerial Purposes. Below Is A Few Of Those
For Whom This Solution May Be Beneficial.

Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, and Stroke Patients

Patients confirmed to have hypertension, diabetes Mellitus and stroke are required to monitor their vitals regularly to prevent further complications or death.

Patients with other cardiovascular diseases

Patients confirmed to have heart failure, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathies, heart block and other cardiovascular diseases are required to monitor their vitals regularly to prevent further complications or death

Healthy Adults

Adult age is a risk factor for hypertension. According to WHO, twenty percent (20%) of adult males and twenty-five percent (25%) of adult females are hypertensive and almost half of them are not aware. [1] All aduts then should be enrolled in MyVitalz monitoring.


As a risk factor for stroke , heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases, hyperlipidemia or elevated blood lipids such as LDL (bad cholesterol) necessitate regular personal monitoring using personal devices like the lipid device in the gallery. The monitoring of blood pressure, glucose and ECG with a multiparameter or single devices also in the gallery are important to detect likely evolving complications which otherwise may not be picked.

Chief Executives

Chief executives, managing directors, and other Type A personalities are at risks of hypertension and associated complications so should occasionally check their blood pressure and other vitals even if they are not hypertensive so they are not taken unawares by the silent killer disease.

Obese Individuals

Individuals with weight disorders need to occasionally monitor their blood pressure and glucose in addition to their weight to detect co-morbidities which may predispose to life-threatening complications.

Patients with Kidney Diseases

Patients with acute and chronic kidney diseases including End Stage Renal Disease, those on dialysis and post transplant cases need regular B, hemoglobin and if necessary glucose and other parameter monitoring when indicated to ascertain adequacy of medications and ongoing treatment including need for intervention.

Patients with heart rhythm disorders

Patients with dysrhythmias and those that use drugs whose side effects include rhythm disorders need to be regularly monitored to detect abnormal heart rhythms early enough to prevent further complications.

Infectious Disease

Infectious diseases such as malaria, enteric fever, pneumonia, pharyngitis and hundreds more are often associated with fever. Devices that measure and upload temperature readings to a remote physician can provide early indication of a worsening condition before, during or after treatment.

Patients on Pacemaekers

The heart rate, rhythm and blood pressure of all patients with pacemakers need to be regularly monitored to detect early dysfunctions.

Medication Solution

Our Application

We understand how easy it is for patients to forget to take drugs or to replenish finished routine medications so we designed this app to remind users to take their drugs or to automatically replenish them when they are finished.

One or more loved ones can also be assigned to spouses, parents and relations to remotely monitor or be notified when drug compliance is poor or routine medications are finished so they can be refilled or supported to avoid adverse complications


Our Doctors

Modern management of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and other Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) requiring measurements and monitoring of vital parameters of patients is now technology-driven and remotely achievable. You are invited to join the new generation of healthcare providers making the difference in patient outcomes by reducing morbidities and mortalities associated with poor controls.

Our Products Shop

Devices’ Gallery


Original price was: 200 CFA.Current price is: 180 CFA.


Original price was: 200 CFA.Current price is: 180 CFA.


Original price was: 200 CFA.Current price is: 180 CFA.

MyVitalz is a telemonitoring cloud platform built for patients, healthcare providers and health mangers to monitor and manage vital signs remotely and in person for both the healthy and the sick. When parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, blood glucose, Oxygen saturation, stress level are monitored real time with devices that automatically and instantly update the cloud for remote physicians to review… 

Choose the Plan Best suited for You

Subscription Plan

Monthly Billing

Yearly Billing

Monitor and record your blood pressure, glucose and other vitals automatically or manually.

Automatic notification of personal physician of sustained abnormal readings through algorithms ased on WHO standards.

AI analysis of readings and graphical displays.

Remote and In-person Regular physician’s review/consultation.

Private chat with personal physician.

Electronic Prescriptions.

Prescription-based notification reminder of daily pills.

Notification of family members of abnormal measurements.

Group Registration. Instant Group Payment.
Add more members at any time. Multiple groups, branches, etc. Add more groups.

Ideal for corporate patients such as:
Hospitals, PHCs, Clinics, HMOs, Offices, Health and Fitness Clubs, Social Clubs, Cooperative Societies, Churches

Monitor and record your blood pressure, glucose and other vitals automatically or manually.

Automatic notification of personal physician of sustained abnormal readings through algorithms ased on WHO standards.

AI analysis of readings and graphical displays.

Remote and In-person Regular physician’s review/consultation.

Private chat with personal physician.

Electronic Prescriptions.

Prescription-based notification reminder of daily pills.

Notification of family members of abnormal measurements.

Group Registration. Instant Group Payment.
Add more members at any time. Multiple groups, branches, etc. Add more groups.

Ideal for corporate patients such as:
Hospitals, PHCs, Clinics, HMOs, Offices, Health and Fitness Clubs, Social Clubs, Cooperative Societies, Churches

Monitor and record your blood pressure, glucose and other vitals automatically or manually.

Automatic notification of personal physician of sustained abnormal readings through algorithms ased on WHO standards.

AI analysis of readings and graphical displays.

Remote and In-person Regular physician’s review/consultation.

Private chat with personal physician.

Electronic Prescriptions.

Prescription-based notification reminder of daily pills.

Notification of family members of abnormal measurements.

Group Registration. Instant Group Payment.
Add more members at any time. Multiple groups, branches, etc. Add more groups.

Ideal for corporate patients such as:
Hospitals, PHCs, Clinics, HMOs, Offices, Health and Fitness Clubs, Social Clubs, Cooperative Societies, Churches

Monitor and record your blood pressure, glucose and other vitals automatically or manually.

Automatic notification of personal physician of sustained abnormal readings through algorithms ased on WHO standards.

AI analysis of readings and graphical displays.

Remote and In-person Regular physician’s review/consultation.

Private chat with personal physician.

Private chat with personal physician.

Electronic Prescriptions.

Prescription-based notification reminder of daily pills.

Notification of family members of abnormal measurements.

Group Registration. Instant Group Payment.
Add more members at any time. Multiple groups, branches, etc. Add more groups.

Ideal for corporate patients such as:
Hospitals, PHCs, Clinics, HMOs, Offices, Health and Fitness Clubs, Social Clubs, Cooperative Societies, Churches

Monitor and record your blood pressure, glucose and other vitals automatically or manually.

Automatic notification of personal physician of sustained abnormal readings through algorithms ased on WHO standards.

AI analysis of readings and graphical displays.

Remote and In-person Regular physician’s review/consultation.

Private chat with personal physician.

Private chat with personal physician.

Electronic Prescriptions.

Prescription-based notification reminder of daily pills.

Notification of family members of abnormal measurements.

Group Registration. Instant Group Payment.
Add more members at any time. Multiple groups, branches, etc. Add more groups.

Ideal for corporate patients such as:
Hospitals, PHCs, Clinics, HMOs, Offices, Health and Fitness Clubs, Social Clubs, Cooperative Societies, Churches

Monitor and record your blood pressure, glucose and other vitals automatically or manually.

Automatic notification of personal physician of sustained abnormal readings through algorithms ased on WHO standards.

AI analysis of readings and graphical displays.

Remote and In-person Regular physician’s review/consultation.

Private chat with personal physician.

Private chat with personal physician.

Electronic Prescriptions.

Prescription-based notification reminder of daily pills.

Notification of family members of abnormal measurements.

Group Registration. Instant Group Payment.
Add more members at any time. Multiple groups, branches, etc. Add more groups.

Ideal for corporate patients such as:
Hospitals, PHCs, Clinics, HMOs, Offices, Health and Fitness Clubs, Social Clubs, Cooperative Societies, Churches


Our Partners

We partner with relevant healthcare providers and managers to establish and maintain a robust value chain network for efficient service workflow. This enables us achieve optimal care and best outcomes for our patients and clients


With the global incidence of hypertension at 25% of adult population and of diabetes mellitus a bit less than 10%, every hospital with a goal of reducing the risk of major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events associated with poor controls of these metabolic disorders mandatorily need to enroll their patients in a Remote Monitoring Program to ensure optimal control, prompt notifications and improved compliance with medications.


Physicians, nurses and other health workers involved in private management of patients with Non-Communicable diseases and who desire the best outcome for them in the 21st century need to come on board the platform to give their patients the best management protocols through Remote Patient Monitoring.


Pharmacy stores can partner with us to not only sell drugs to their patients on routine medications but to also supply drugs to the physicians on their network, building that network by inviting new ones, boost sales and promote new products in stock through our channel.

Health Managers

The goal of every Health Management Organization is to improve wellness of enrollees, prevent complications, reduce cost of care as well as ensure patient comfort and satisfaction. Health managers partner with MyVitalz to utilize purpose-built dashboard to monitor enrollees with NCDs to ensure compliance with prescribed medications, optimal control of vitals and prompt supply of routine medications by trusted pharmacies. These activities ensure best clinical outcomes and profitable service.

Consultations Filled

Modern Devices Sold

Strokes Prevented

Heart Attacks Avoided


Walk in Appointments Available Daily

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